Tucker Carlson / Fox News Interview

Tucker Carlson interviewed One Global Democracy founder Peter Schurman on December 6, 2017.

We thought it went pretty well, and we’re glad Tucker showed so much of our video too.  What do you think?

The international polling data mentioned in the interview is summarized here.

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One response

  1. Hi All,

    As long as I’m seeing this post, somebody had wanted me to post the interview below this morning and you might find it interesting (about 40 minutes). My city’s former Mayor (and candidate in the U.S. 1976 election) was an avid World Federalist (as am I). He was very highly esteemed for his intelligence, honesty, and ability to make vast improvements.

    Here is what I posted out on facebook today:

    “Socialist” is considered to be a bad term among many, but Milwaukee had 3 such mayors. Here is an interview I did with Mayor Frank Zeidler who also was a Presidential candidate in 1976. I interviewed him about World Federation to alleviate our global problems.


    And by the way, I think our global governance groups should be doing MUCH MORE to reach out to the masses with our ideas, rather than doing lots of position papers, etc. that I doubt many care about. Just my opinion.

    I’m glad to have you all out there fighting the good fight.

    Debbie Metke

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